Min passion er detaljen i mit arbejde
At ændre på sit udseende betyder noget helt specielt. Dit udseende er en del af din identitet. Dit selvværd – og dit ansigt mod verden.
Ændringer skal laves i respekt for den, du er. Du skal stadig se ud som dig, og føle dig som dig – den bedste version af dig. I mit univers gør kosmetiske operationer en positiv forskel. Jeg synes, at ændringer ved dit udseende skal se naturlige og elegante ud. Derfor har jeg set mange, utroligt mange, der er blevet virkeligt glade for de kosmetiske operationer, de har valgt.
Der er så lige det, at en operation ikke bare kan fjernes med makeupfjerner og vat, hvis den nu ikke bliver som ønsket. Eller laser på en tatovering, man er blevet træt af.
Lige på dette område vil du derfor gerne være i de bedste hænder og vide, at den der opererer eller skulpturerer dig, er én, som kan sit kram. Har en stor faglig kompetence og er opdateret med de nyeste metoder. Men ikke bare en “kittel” – et ægte menneske, du kan snakke med, som lytter til dig, og som tager dig alvorligt.
Trine Foged Henriksen
Jeg er speciallæge i plastikkirurgi. Jeg har også været overlæge på Rigshospitalets Klinik for Plastikkirurgi, Brystkirurgi og Brandsårsbehandling og hovedansvarlig for udbredelsen af særlige teknikker inden for kombineret kirurgi med implantater, fedttransplantationer og Acellulær Dermal Matrix. Jeg har personligt udført mere end 1500 brystoperationer – ud over alle de andre typer af plastikkirurgiske operationer.
Min PhD. har jeg skrevet om kosmetiske brystoperationer, korrektioner af medfødte misdannelser og rekonstruktion af bryster efter brystkræft. Jeg har videreuddannet mig i Europa og USA og specialiseret mig i bryster, bodycontouring, balder og ansigtskorrektioner med fedtvæv, . Eksempelvis er jeg en af de få internationalt, der udfører en særlig fedttransplantationsteknik til ansigtsoperationer, der er skånsom og langtidsholdbar.
Jeg har været Danmarks repræsentant i europæiske og internationale kvalitetssikrings-komitéer og medvirket til udarbejdelsen af konsensusdeklarationer, som anvendes af EU-kommissionen. Deklarationerne sikrer kvaliteten for patienterne med et regelsæt for plastikkirurgers arbejde og de materialer, der anvendes i operationer og procedurer.
Underviser på internationale kurser og inviteres jævnligt som foredragsholder – blandt andet på Harvard. Modtog i 2005 Feminas Kvindepris for at have oprettet verdens første vidensbank om kvinders helbred og livsstil før og efter plastikkirurgiske brystoperationer – og har skrevet en masse lidt mere nørdede artikler om plastikkirurgi til videnskabelige tidsskrifter.

- Medical Doctor, University of Odense
- PhD degree at the faculty of medicine, University of Copenhagen.Title of the thesis: “Cosmetic and reconstructive breast implantation. Establishment of a nationwide registry and prospective evaluation of local complications”.
- Permission to practice independently
- Board certification in plastic surgery
- 2002 International Epidemiology Institute, Maryland, USA, scientific work, 3 weeks
- 2009 Surgical rotation at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, 4 weeks.
- 2014Visiting Dr. Andrew Salzberg, New York Group for Plastic Surgery, observing breast reconstruction and corrections at Hudson Valley Hospital Center & St. John’s Riverside Hospital in Dobbs Ferry, NY, 1 week
- Senior consultant, Dept. of Plastic Surgery, Breast Surgery and Burns, Rigshospitalet – University Hospital of Copenhagen
- Consultant at Dept. Of Plastic Surgery, Breast Surgery and Burns, Rigshospitalet – University Hospital of Copenhagen
- Senior resident at final year of residency program, Roskilde University hospital
- Senior resident, Dept. Plastic surgery, Breast surgery and Burs, Rigshospitalet – Copenhagen University Hospital Copenhagen
- Common trunk in surgery (part of residency program), University Hosp. Glostrup
- Common trunk in orthopedic surg (part of residency program), Univ. Hosp Roskilde
- Residency, Depart. plastic surgery, University Hospital Herlev
- Residency, Depart. general surgery, Univ. Hosp. Roskilde
- Residency in plastic surgery, dept. plastic surgery., Univ. Hosp. Roskilde
- Intern, general practice in Greve
- Intern, Department of orthopedics, University Hospital Roskilde
- Advisor/consultant at DPB – adjacent to the clinical course:
- Administrator of the Danish Registry for DPB – adjacent to the clinical course
- Founder and administrator of the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast (DPB)- and research fellow/PhD student at the Institute of Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society
- Research fellow, Institute of Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Society
- Intern, dept. of intern medicin, Svendborg Hospital
- Resident, Dept. of thoracic & vascular surgery, Odense University Hospital
- Student locum tenancy, Dept. of thoracic & vascular surg., Odense Univ. Hospital, Odense
Udvalgte kurser og workshops
- European Committee on Quality Assurance and Medical Devices in Plastic Surgery conference I San Francisco: Invited to Round table meeting and presentation of the design of a nationwide implant registry, 1999
- De to Direktiver om Medicinsk Udstyr: En fortolkning af kravene i Direktiv 93/42/EØF om medicinsk udstyr & Direktiv 98/79/EF om medicinsk udstyr til in vitro-diagnostik. Dansk Godkendelse af Medicinsk Udstyr, bemyndiget organ nr. 0543, Charlottenlund, 1999
- Managing Patients with Breast Implant Problems v/V.L.Young, Instructional course, San Francisco, 1999
- Annual Update on Breast Reconstruction v/G. Patrick Maxwell, Instruct. course, San Francisco,1999
- Augmentation, Reduction, Mastectomy and Reconstruction v/J.C. Grotting, & JC.Sampaio Goes, Instructional Course, San Francisco, 1999
- Wound Healing Update v/Julio Hochberg and others, Instructional Course, San Francisco, 1999
- Advanced course in microsurgery, Sundhedsstyrelsen & Dansk Mikrokirurgisk Selskab, Århus 2010
- Breast Reconstruction, LifeCell Bioskills Lab, , Bristol University, Bristol 2010
- Kursus i lapkirurgi, Klinik for plastikkirurgi, brystkirurgi og brandsårsbehandling, Panum 2011
- Scandinavian Course in Malformations, Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening, Gøteborg 2011
- The 3rd scientific meeting for Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery (ORBS), Nottingham 2011
- The Beautiful Breast? The second annual meeting of Interventional Oncology Society, Bruxelles 2012
- Reconstructive plastic surgery, trauma and wounds. Nordisk plastikkirurgisk forening, Helsinki 2012
- Nordic course in Plastic Reconstruction in cancer treatment: Lægers videre- og efteruddannelse, Oslo 2012
- Barcelona Breast Meeting, Redefining breast surgery: Sharing experience and building knowledge, Barcelona 2013
- Mentor Breast team workshop, Mentor, Ljubliana, Slovenien, 2013
- Surgeons Forum, Barcelona 2013
- Oncoplastic and reconstructive surgery of the breast. The seventh European Conference. Milano December 2013
- Advanced Course in Breast Reshaping, Quiron hospital, Madrid, November 2013
- Centrofacial rejuvenation, a two-days workshop on Macs-lift, microfat, SNIF, Nanofat Grafting and Groton Oil Peeling, Ghent 2014
- Advanced course in implant surgery by Per Heden, Stockholm 2014
- Cutting Edge, NY 2014
- Beauty through Science, Stockholm 2015
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery World Congress & Masterclass in BBL, Kyoto 2016
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery World Congress & Masterclass in BBL, Miami 2018
- Beauty Through Science, Stockholm 2019
- The Aston Baker Cutting Edge Aesthetic surgery symposium, New York 2019
- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery World Congress & Masterclass in high def bodycontouring, Masterclass in secondary breast cases, Vienna 2021
Undervisning og forelæsninger
- Invited lecturer at the Scandinavian Association of Plastic Surgeon’s Course in Aesthetic Surgery. Charlottenlund, Danmark 2003 Presentation and multiple choice examination .
- Invited lecturer at the Grand Rounds of the Harvard Plastic Surgery Residency Program, Harvard Medical School, Boston 2009,
- Invited lecturer, Division rounds at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston 2009.
- Lecturer. Medical doctors and nurses at public and private clinics of plastic surgery in Denmark. Lectures regarding registration, quality assessment and documentation. Status of breast implants and risk of complications. 2001-2004
- Invited speaker, faculty member, Post-graduate course LifeCell Bioskills Lab, Newcastle 2013. Præsentation Techniques for One-stage breast reconstruction with ADM-assisted breast implantation
- External lecturer for medical students at the Copenhagen University 2012-2014
- Clinical associate professor at Copenhagen University, 2014-2015
- Invited lecturer at the Nordic Course of Aesthetic Surgery, Århus 2016. Lectures regarding breast augmentation, reduction, breast lift, composite breast augmentation and augmentation of the ptotic breast
- Invited lecturer at the Nordic Training Course. Reconstructive plastic Surgery ” Aesthetic Surgery Course IV Copenhagen 2020. Lectures regarding Science of beauty, breast reduction techniques, mastopexy and mastopexy-augmentation, treatment of tuberous breasts, and lipofilling for breast augmentation.
Akademiske præsentation
- Invited to present Danish experiences at a meeting with FDA and implant manufacturers regarding international quality assurance regarding breast implants (by Bruce Cunningham), New York 2001
- Speaker, chairman & member of discussion panel at consensus conferences and meetings in the European Committee on Quality Assurance and Medical Devices in Plastic Surgery (Now IQUAM) in the period 1999, 2002,2004.
- Chairman. Consensus conference of the International. Committee on Quality Assurance and Medical Devices in Plastic Surgery (IQUAM). Regensburg 2006
- Several presentations regarding establishment of the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast, quality assessment and research in cosmetic, corrective and reconstructive breast implantation, Biannual meeting of the Danish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (DSPR) presentations in 1999-2005
- Speaker, State Serum Institute, Copenhagen 1999. Silicone implants, infection & biofilm
- Presentation and study tour at Mc Ghan manufacturer, Dublin 1999;
- Presentation. The European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryESPRAS) conference. Rome 2001;
- Invited speaker at the Nordic technical committee on surgical devises and biological safety. Malmoe, Sverige 2001.
- Speaker. . Annual meeting of the Danish Society of Surgery 2001
- Speaker, Institute of Epidemiol. Cancer Research, Danish Cancer Society 2004Implants and cancer
- Speaker. The European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic SurgeryESPRAS) conference. Wienna 2005:
- Invited keynote speaker. The 14th International Congress of the international Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS 2007). Berlin 2007
- Invited keynote speaker. 40-Years Jubilee meeting of department of plastic surgery, Odense
University Hospital and Annual Meeting of the Danish Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Odense 2007, Odense 2007 - Invited keynote speaker & chairman (faculty member) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast Conference, Warszawa 2008.
- Speaker, Division rounds at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,Boston 2009
- Invited speaker, 10-Years Jubilee Symposium for the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast, Copenhagen 2010
- Speaker, Nordisk Plastikkirurgisk Forenings XXXIII Kongres Reykjavik, Island 2010.
- Invited presentation by Henrik Kehlet atDepartment of pain treatment Rigshospitalet 2013. Research opportunities based on the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast. The value of prospectively collected pre-, peri and postoperative data on 18,000 women
- Invited speaker. the 3rd nORBS (Nordic group of oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgeons) meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland 2014. The Danish Experience of Risk-reducing surgery.
- Invited speaker. AAEF Rome 2015. DTI vs 2-stage benefits & challenges in risk reducing surgery
- Henriksen TF, Thuesen B. A nationwide registry for plastic surgery of the breast. Ugeskr Læger 2001;163(12)1692
- Kjøller K, Hölmich LR, Jacobsen PH, Friis S, Fryzek J, McLaughlin JK, Lipworth L, Henriksen TF, Jørgensen S, Bittman S, Olsen JH. Capsular contracture following cosmetic breast implant surgery. Ann Plast Surg 2001;47:359
- Henriksen TF, Olsen JH. The Danish Registry for PlasticSurgery of the Breast. Status report 2002. Not peerreviewed
- Kjøller K, Hölmich LR, Jacobsen PH, Friis S, Fryzek J, McLaughlin JK, Lipworth L, Henriksen TF, Jørgensen S, Bittmann S, Olsen JH. Epidemiological investigation of local complications after cosmetic breast implant surgery inDenmark. Ann Plast Surg 2002;48:229
- Henriksen TF, Hölmich LR, Friis S, McLaughlin JK, Fryzek JP, Høyer AP, Kjøller K, Olsen JH. The Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast. Experiences of establishing a nationwide registry for prospective follow-up, quality assessment and investigation of plastic surgery of the breast. Plast Reconstr Surg 2003;111:2182
- Kjøller K, Hölmich LR, Fryzek JP, Jacobsen PH, Friis S, McLaughlin JK, Lipworth L, Henriksen TF, Jørgensen S, Bittmann S, Olsen JH. Characteristics of women with cosmetic breast implants compared with women with other types of cosmetic surgery and population-based controls in Denmark. Ann Plast Surg 2003;50:6
- Henriksen TF, Hölmich LR, Fryzek JP, Friis S, McLaughlin JK, Høyer AP, Kjøller K, Olsen JH. Incidence and severity of short-term complications following cosmetic breast implantation. Ann Plast Surg 2003;51:531
- Henriksen TF, Olsen JH. The Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast. Status report 2003. Not peer-reviewed
- Kjøller K, Hölmich LR, Fryzek JP, Jacobsen PH, Friis S, McLaughlin JK, Lipworth L, Henriksen TF, Høier-Madsen M, Wiik A, Olsen JH. Self-reported musculoskeletal symptoms among Danish women with silicone breast implants. Ann plast Surg 2004;52:1
- Som medlem af EQUAM executive committee. EQUAM consensus declarations in 2002 og 2004, Groningen 2002 og 2004
- Henriksen TF, Fryzek JP, Hölmich LR, McLaughlin JK, Kjøller K, Høyer AP, Olsen JH, Friis S. Surgical intervention and capsular contracture after breast augmentation: A prospective study of risk factors. Ann Plast Surg 2005;54:343
- Henriksen TF, Fryzek JP, Hölmich LR, McLaughlin JK, Krag C, Karlsen R, Kjøller K, Olsen JH, Friis S. Reconstructive breast implantation after mastectomy for breast cancer: clinical outcomes in a nationwide, prospective cohort study. Arch Surg 2005;140:1152
- Friis S, Hölmich LR, McLaughlin JK, Kjøller K, Fryzek JP, Henriksen TF, Olsen JH. Cancer risk among Danish women with cosmetic breast implants. Int J Cancer 2006;118(4):998
- Fryzek JP, Hölmich L, McLaughlin JK, Lipworth L, Tarone RE, Henriksen T, Kjøller K, Friis S. A nationwide study of connective tissue disease and other rheumatic conditions among Danish women with Long-term cosmetic breast implantation. Ann Epidemiol 2007 May;17(5):374.Epub 2007 feb 26
- Hölmich LR, Dring M, Henriksen TF, Krag C, Tange UB, Kj¯ller K, McLaughlin JK, Olsen JH, Friis S. Delayed Breast Reconstruction With Implants After Invasive Breast Cancer Does Not Impair Prognosis. Annals of Plastic Surgery ï Volume 61, Number 1, July 2008
- Hvilsom G, Hölmich LR, Henriksen TF, Lipworth L, McLaughlin JK, Friis S. Local complications after cosmetic breast augmentation: Results from the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Sep;124(3):919-25
- Henriksen TF, Løvenwald JB, Matzen SH. Paraffin oil injection in bodybuilders calls for preventive action. Danish medical bulletin, 2010 Jan; 172(3):219-20
- Hvilsom GB, Hölmich LR, Henriksen TF, Lipworth L, McLaughlin JK, Friis S. Local complications after cosmetic breast augmentation: results from the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast. Plast Surg Nurs. 2010, Jul-Sep;30(3):172-9
- Hvilsom GB, Friis S, Frederiksen K, Steding-Jessen M, Lipworth L,McLaughlin JK, Henriksen TF, Elberg JJ,Damsgaard TE, Hölmich LR. The clinical course of immediate breast implant reconstruction: A 10-year prospective study. Acta Oncologica 2011 May 23 (Epub ahead of print)
- Hvilsom GB, Hölmich LR, Steding-Jessen M, Frederiksen K, Henriksen TF, Lipworth L, McLaughlin JK, Elberg JJ, Damsgaard TE, Friis S. Delayed breast implant reconstruction; Is radiation therapy associated with reoperations and capsular contracture? Annals of Plastic Surgery 2011, May 2 (Epup ahead of print)
- Hvilsom GB, Hölmich LR, Steding-Jessen M, Frederiksen K, Henriksen TF, Lipworth L, McLaughlin JK, Elberg JJ, Damsgaard TE, Friis S. Delayed breast implant reconstruction: A 10-year prospective study. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2011 Nov;64(11):1466-74
- Ghulam El-Charnoubi W, Henriksen TF, Elberg JJ. Cutaneous Silicone Granuloma Mimicking Breast Cancer after Ruptured Breast Implant. Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine. 2012 Jan vol. 2011, Article ID 129138, doi:10.1155/2011/129138
- Uldall W, Henriksen TF, Vejborg I. Ekstensiv silikonelÊkage fra brystimplantat. Månedens billede. Ugeskr for lÊger 2012 April;174(18):1244
- Breiting L, Henriksen TF, Gramkow C, Kalialis LV, Høyer AP. A prospective study of short- and long-term cosmetic outcome after reduction mammaplasty from three different perspectives: the patient, a department surgeon, and an independent private practitioner in plastic surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Aug;130(2):273-81. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3182589bbf
- Rasmussen BS, Henriksen TF, Kølle SF, Schmidt G. Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus. Report from 30 years of experience in a single department. Ann Plast Surg, 2013 Jul 29. [Epub ahead of print]
- Winge R, Henriksen TF, Printzlau A, Hölmich L. Plastikkirurgi efter stort vægttab. Statusartikel. Ugeskrift for læger 2013, June 10 . [Epub ahead of print)
- Klit A, Henriksen TF, Siersen HE, Elberg JJ, Christiansen P, Kroman N. Onkoplastisk brystkirurgi i Danmark. Statusartikel. Ugeskrift for læger 2013, Nov; 175(48A) [Epub ahead of print]
- I.F. Paulsen, R. Bredgaard, B. Hesse, T. Steiniche, T.F. Henriksen. Acquired cutis laxa: Diagnostic and therapeutic consideration. JPRAS 2014 Oct; 67( 10),: e242–e243
- Klit A, Henriksen TF, Siersen HE, Elberg JJ, Christiansen P, Kroman N. Onkoplastisk kirurgi 27 okt. 2014 I : Ugeskrift for læger [online]. 176, 44, s. V06130376.
- Klit A, Tvedskov TF, Kroman N, Elberg JJ, Ejlertsen B, Henriksen TF. Oncoplastic breast surgery does not delay the onset of adjuvant chemotherapy: a population-based study. Acta oncologica 2017 May 6:56(5): 719-723. Epub 2017 Feb 6. https://doi.org/10.1080/0284186X.2017.1281437
- Al-Sari N, Suvitaival T, Mattila I, Ali A, Ahonen L, Trost K, Henriksen TF, Pociot F, Dragsted LO, Legido-Quigley C. Lipidomics of human adipose tissue reveals diversity between body areas. PLoS One 2020 16;15(6):e0228521. Epub 2020 Jun 16. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0228521
Medlemsskaber og bestyrelsesposter
- Co chair of the Danish Society of Cosmetic Surgery 2018-
- Board member of the International committee for quality assurance, medical technologies and devices in plastic surgery (IQUAM) in 1999-2006. The Danish representative in the executive committee meetings in Groningen, the Netherlands, elaborating on the IQUAM consensus declarations in 2002 and 2004 and in Regensburg, Germany in 2006
- Board member of the steering committee of the Danish Registry for Plastic Surgery of the Breast (1999-)
Secretary of the steering committee 1999-2007, herafter advisor and ordinary board member - Member of the Danish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Member of the Danish Medical Society
Assigned the FEMINAS Female Award 2005, presented by Her Highness Princess Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksberg
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